If “they” hate me for my freedom, if that is really true, then “they” hate me for who I am and how I feel today.  I will go out there into the big wide world and find out “who” really hates me for my freedom!

It has been a long two years.  I have done so many things to attempt to make myself feel better too about Iraq and war and dead soldiers and scarred souls coming home.  I shut the door of my home on the world because I couldn’t have endured the scorn and name calling.  I horded our money to buy our dream home when he came back to make it “worth” what we went through but he got hurt over there.  Death and killing never fixed anything and I suppose that is why we aren’t suppose to do it because it breaks us on the inside.  A cool house can’t fix a broken sensory system or the broken spirit and heart of the wrongly used and justifiably abused American soldier, but he will learn from it and be a better more compassionate loving person because of it!  I suppose Bush will try to take credit for that too in the end!  He has accomplished nothing of his own but murder and mayhem and he has zero PROOF that fighting anybody over there has meant we haven’t had to fight them here and it didn’t really seem to help Great Britain now did it?  It was my husband’s choice to  grow beyond the pain and stop planting his head into the middle of walls and stop verbally tearing apart the people who love him, but I’m sure Bush will attempt to take credit for it somehow.  

Today I pack and prepare to be truly free and express my freedom!  Today I can really feel myself breathing and it feels marvelous!  I’m not holding my breath today afraid that someone will stomp me if I do something that they don’t like and call me a traitor or Unamerican, I know deep down inside that I am nothing of the sort and I fear no evil for thou art with me!

Today I am finally free.  There is a spring to my step and a swing to my hair and I find myself once again fully alive among the living.  Casey is dead.  It makes me sad but I am alive and I need to act.  That is what the living do!  And we learn our lessons in this life and share our love and our learning.  I am so rich today…….wealthy beyond expression. I am so alive!

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