Welcome to the first ever Booman Tribune Froggy Bottom Photography Fair.
Fair Diaries:
| Gooserock
| JimF (AndiF) | AndiF | NorthDakotaDem | IndianaDem | | | | Sunday:
| | |
- We’ll take care of resizing, creating links and posting.
- Email: froggybottomphotofair@gmail.com — volunteers are standing by!
- Filenames must include username
- Include any Title & Text that goes with each photo
Nag, Penny, BrotherFeldspar and Andi have done so much to make this happen. BrotherFeldspar and Nag spent 1 1/2 hours in a chat room as we hammered out the details of the submission guidelines and the procedures that have made this work.
Andi has done an incredible job of creating the comment templates, processing and uploading all the photo submissions, monitoring the Informational Diaries, and the gmail account.
— katiebird