Israel’s right to exist, the War in Lebanon and the new strategy ‘Peace for Peace‘ instead of the former ‘Land for Peace’.

Golan Heights

This relief map shows why the eastern border of the Golan is the natural line of defense for Israel’s north

Similarly, with regard to Judea and Samaria, on the West Bank of the Jordan: these are hilly regions that overlook major Jewish coastal cities on the other side of Israel’s narrow waist. An enemy army perched there could effortlessly cut Israel in half. It is not without cause that even left-leaning Israelis have called the pre-’67 borders, “the borders of Auschwitz.” And even if there were no danger from an enemy army, terrorists firing rockets from those hills could paralyze the reserve call-ups on which the Israeli military depends.

Peace for Peace

For Israel it is all about territory, security, demographics and internal political strife with the religious parties in support of the colonists. Lebanon is part of the end game to refuse handing back the Golan Heights to Syria for a peace treaty. Hezbollah was a tool used by Syria to strengthen their joint position against Israel with territory of the Sheba’a Farms and the Golan Heights. The Hariri murder has not been resolved and could have been at the hand of a western power: the U.S., France or the Mossad. Immediately after the assassination, all forensic evidence had been removed from the crime scene.

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The Israeli apartheid (security) wall
around Palestinian population
centers in the West Bank.

Olmert and the Kadima party wants primarily to set the border with the Palestinians in the West Bank territories unilaterally. Olmert is following the strategy of Ariel Sharon to destroy all Palestinian infrastructure and any economic assets. It is important for Israel to maintain its presence in the  Jordan Valley and create a buffer zone with its neighbor Jordan. The pull-back from Gaza is in name only, as there remains a stranglehold by land, sea and air. The economy has been destroyed and a financial and human disaster is impending.

Sharon and Olmert – Peace for Peace

Permanent Muslim Hatred Towards the West  

"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."

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