Crossposted from Town Called Dobson

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A new low for Fox News and the entire Murdoch empire has been reached. Impossible, yet true.

A story created, developed and promoted by the right wing noise machine fell flat on its face. In this story, they reported and shouted with glee that Barack Obama had attended a madrassa in Jakarta Indonesia. You can read John Gibson’s masturbatory ramblings HERE.

The New York senator has reportedly outed Obama’s madrassa past. That’s right, the Clinton team is reported to have pulled out all the stops to reveal something Obama would rather you didn’t know: that he was educated in a Muslim madrassa.

Then CNN, it some fit of sobriety looked into the case and the whole story turned out to be totally false. The school turned out to be a government funded secular school. They do have a Muslim class, but it is once a week for the Muslim kids, they also have a Christian class for the Christian kids. Madrassas don’t teach classes about Jewish carpenters.

A great DailyKos diary on this topic can be found HERE.

But the right wing freaks are still true believers. They see this as just another story filled with liberal media bias. Yes, some folks will believe anything and the GOP is full of those people. Michelle Malkin tells of the perils of “single sourcing” but this story was single sourced, it was created from whole cloth.

Totally fabricated.

A total lie.

And they fell for it… just like that WMD lie.

And these people think they are the ones who should be in power? Being gullible is not a qualification to have in your possession active nuclear launch codes.

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