Hello again painting fans.

This week we’ll be starting an entirely new painting.  Or two.  This cycle will include a pair of new paintings.  I don’t know if time will allow for weekly updates of both but if not, I will show changes at least every other week.

The photos that I will be using are seen directly below.  The first photo shows the Monument Rocks in Kansas.  Seen below that photo is one depicting a decrepit 1950 Hudson.

I’ll be using my usual acrylics on 8×10 canvases.

I was struck by the Kansas scene upon seeing this photo.  I hadn’t realized that such striking rocks existed outside of areas like the southwest.  I’ve been looking forward to painting this scene for some time.

I came upon this poor Hudson one day and have also saved this one for a time.  The surface of this car is just dripping with interesting details including the shadows cast by those door handles.  And look at the shape of that back window.  This will be very interesting.

In both cases the initial strokes have been laid down, placing the major elements in their proper places.

The current state of the paintings are seen in the photos directly below.

By the way, next week I’ll be participating in my first art show here.  I’ll be showing a few paintings.  If you’re in the neighborhood please stop by.

That’s about it for now. Next week I’ll have more progress to show you. See you then. As always, feel free to add photos of your own work in the comments section below.

Earlier paintings in this series can be seen here.

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