
After attending 183 meetings and devoting more than 120 hours of scheduled Senate time to the [climate] matter, Graham dropped his co-sponsorship of the legislation when the Senate majority leader, the Democrat Harry Reid, disclosed in late April that his priority would be passage of an immigration bill. (Reid later reversed his decision.) Graham promptly called Reid on the phone and accused him of shifting the legislative calendar to woo Hispanic voters in Reid’s uphill re-election struggle, and then, according to Graham, the two exchanged “a few F-bombs” before hanging up.

I assume Harry Reid’s end of the conversation went something like this: “What? You fucking jerk. You are dropping your support for climate legislation because of the order in which I introduce bills? That’s the stupidest fucking most cowardly bullshit I’ve ever heard. Is this issue important or not? Unfuckingbelievable. You’re too stupid to operate a toaster.”

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