

Four articles today (Mon., 4/4/11) tell the tale:

1-Obama starts 2012 campaign before potential rivals

2- Hillary Clinton now most popular figure in Obama administration

3-John Phillips: Why Hillary Clinton must run in 2012

4-OH, HILL NO-Obama’s indecision on Libya has pushed Clinton over the edge

Read `em.

In order.

I dare ya.

Read ’em and weep, leftinesses.

Here’s what’s up.

The primaries just started.

Obama’s cranking up his official campaign.

“Presidential” style.

You know…above it all? Like he’s got a lock on it? (It worked the first time, right? Why not try it again now that he really is the President. Kinda sorta.)

Hillary is sniping from the bushes. Like them ‘Murican revolutionaries used t’do when there were still bushes from behind which they could snipe. The mighty Clinton Wurlitzer…the leak machine…is sounding its first serious notes. Hillary’s recent announcement of her intent to retire from her current position as Secretary of State was the first movement of this performance.

The Prelude.

Wait’ll you hear the fugue!!!

We’re just getting started here, folks.


It’s gonna get interesting.

Real soon.

Unless the Middle East calms down very quickly…fat chance of that happening, by the way…Obama’s approval ratings are going to start to look Like George Butch’s in 2007/2008.

As in “abysmal.”

And the middle class/working class will be hearing from their champeen, Ms. Clinton.

Foreign affairs?

I TOL’ ya!!!

The successful right wing attacks on unions?

I TOL’ ya!!!

The threat of an even more successful 2012 right wing assault on the federal and state governments in the face of a passive and ever-weaker Obama whose sole strength is his ability to talk the good talk?

I TOL’ ya!!!


Well…yeah. I do want to retire and be a grandmother.


I TOL’ ya!!!


Margaret Thatcher redux.




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