Okay, this is hilarious. In the Moonie Times, Jeff Kuhner of the Edmund Burke Institute has penned a ludicrous diatribe in response to the president’s speech last night. It concludes with this:

Mr. Obama is a man of the hard left. He deeply loathes everything America stands for – capitalism, limited government, individual freedom and Christian civilization. In particular, he despises our exceptionalism. His stated goal is to create a “post-American world” where the United States is simply one of many countries – no bigger, better or stronger. He exhibits a form of madness, a self-loathing, reminiscent of the late pop singer Amy Winehouse. Mr. Obama keeps injecting the heroin of class warfare and socialism into our national bloodstream. And he can continue to play on the biggest stage and boast a huge audience. In the end, however, it leads to the same result: insanity and death.

I was curious about this Edmund Burke Institute, so I went and found their mission statement. Here’s part of it:

The Edmund Burke Institute for American Renewal was founded in June, 2005 in the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C. We are a non-partisan, non-profit, education and outreach organization which aspires to engage and mobilize the millions of African Americans, Hispanics, women and other minorities in this country who share conservative values. We will inform conservative leaders about the needs and aspirations of minorities in order to make the latter feel welcome amongst us. Also, we want minorities to appreciate fully how conservativism is congruent with their values and goals. In short, we will build a steadfast alliance between conservative leaders and minority groups. We hope to preserve all those elements in the American republic that render us a strong and vibrant nation.

So, the Edmund Burke Institute is non-partisan? But their whole purpose is to win over minorities to the conservative cause? And how much success do you think this Kuhner guy is having organizing minorities?

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