Each of  us face different choices on a daily basis. For me there are three basic types of choices and ways of living.  I’ve broken my worlds down into just three categories:

  • Status quo
  • Spiritual
  • Activist

Status Quo
A lot of people choose the path of least resistance – the living day to day and accepting the status quo. This means getting up in the morning, going to work, and doing what society expects of us. It means buying into the `conformity is good’ theme that is rampant in our society in the U.S. For many of us there is an underlying level of dissatisfaction in this choice but fear keeps us from doing anything about change.

Spiritual Path
Inside our hearts we may seek another path. This is a path of love and kindness and healing. There can be a strong desire to be giving and caring. We have a need to nurture ourselves and others. Our hearts know a place of peace. There are moments when this peace surrounds us and touches every part of our being. Too much of our time this part of our hearts and souls are pushed beneath the surface. It is too confusing and out of the norm for others to accept this aspect of us.

This is the fighter in each of us. A place where we scream – enough is enough or “I’m mad as hell and not going to take it anymore”. Here we stand and fight the system, the abusers and oppressors, the politicians, the greed and most of all the status quo. Here is where what we stand for as a person, and our humanity to others, is put to the test. This place is outside of our comfort zone. This is where the blinders that we wear regarding the status quo are ripped away.

When worlds collide
Each day I get up and go to work in an environment that is adverse to change. This means processes change but internal philosophies do not. It also means acceptance that there will be those that will do no more than necessary. “But it’s not my job” is a recurring theme in this environment of those around me. It is easy to buy into this philosophy and do only what is required. It is hard to push the envelope on a daily basis to leave behind a better work environment for others.

My spiritual life is growing stronger each day. I can look at the trees and rocks and clouds and sun and moon. . . and feel at one with the world around me. There are spiritual people around me – as near as the touch of a hand and as close the internet. These people hear my thoughts and beliefs and do not question. Most importantly they stand behind me to help me if I stumble and fall in my quest. Yet those that help do not interfere in my quest…they recognize the need for each of us to seek and learn on our own. These special people are my guides and mentors.

Each day the news of war and greed and oppression greets me via the radio, tv, newspapers, blogs, and just by listening. It is part of the day that I truly feel `if you are not outraged you are not paying attention’. In paying attention there is so much anger within that it finds it’s outlet in political activism. For some of us it is in organizations with others, for some the blog diaries, for others in marching against the war, and sometimes it some of each. When totally focused on a cause it can bring great satisfaction from believing that we are making a difference. It can also bring hope that we impact the world around us to make changes.

So – these worlds have collided…status quo and no change, spiritual peace and searching, and activism fighting for change. Prioritization and balance have been placed in conflict. I’m not sure if others have these conflicts. However, in my experience I am not alone in these thoughts and feelings. As we have worked to make changes in the political world we have learned from each other. Perhaps now is the time to share how we balance these conflicts in our lifes and learn from each other.

For now there are no answers….just a recognition that these worlds have collided.

Cross-posted at My Left Wing

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