I would like to remind people that there are many good charities besides the Red Cross that are helping the victims of Katrina. Since this recovery may take years, I’d like to remind people that there are many other charities which are helping the people of Mississippi and Louisiana. (heavily cribbed from Billmon). There are probably even more, but this is a start. Please add any others that you are aware of.
* hopeful’s diary :: ::
Hurricane Relief
The American Red Cross
Relief focus: Provides a full spectrum of services to disaster victims, including shelter, medical care, food, clean water and assisting with cleanup efforts.
America’s Second Harvest
Relief focus: Transports food to victims and secures additional warehouse space to assist member food banks in resuming and maintaining operations.
Catholic Charities USA
Relief focus: Community based relief efforts focused on the long-terms needs of disaster victims and affected communities.
Direct Relief International
Relief focus:Serves as a private back-up support to official emergency response efforts in the United States.
Feed The Children
Relief focus: Mobilizing and distributing supplies in hurricane devastated areas.
Habitat for Humanity
Relief focus: Helping disaster victims rebuild piece by piece and house by house.
Humane Society of the United States
Relief focus: Dispatching Disaster Animal Response Teams (DARTs) to rescue animals and assist their caregivers.
Noah’s Wish
Relief focus: Keeping animals alive during disasters.
The Salvation Army
Relief focus: Providing hot meals to displaced disaster victims and emergency personnel working to aid those devastated by Hurricane Katrina.
United Jewish Communities
Relief focus: Community organized and administered humanitarian relief for disaster victims.
United Methodist Committee on Relief
Relief focus: General community-based disaster relief, as well as the creation and distribution of “flood buckets” — a relief item for those who prefer to donate with a personal touch.
United Way
Relief focus: Identifying serious needs of devastated communities and helping not only with front-line disaster relief but with long-term recovery.