Author: Carnacki

The shittiest diary ever (an open letter to Raybin)

I’m cross posting this from DailyKos since almost all of us know and love Raybin. He commented on this here.

Dear Raybin,

I know you wrote your GBCW diary, but I hope you’re lurking out there some where. If not I’ll email you the link. Also, check your email for an invitation from me. It’s the email that doesn’t invite you to buy porn or viagra or invest in the chance to earn millions.

Tonight I gave the girls a bath like I always do on Sunday nights while Ms. Carnacki’s at work at the salt mine earning us a few extra bucks to salt away.

When I got the youngest out of the tub, she grabbed her older sister’s panties. I picked her up and carried her to the bed and grabbed a fresh diaper to put on her. She shook her head and reached down to put the panties on. She’s 20 months old (or something like that, by the third child you stop keeping track) and she’s been doing pretty well on the potty of late so I thought, “What the hell? I’ll put the panties on her.” I grabbed a clean pair and put them on her and let her run around as I got the other two into their nightgowns. Then as they ran off to join their baby sister, I began to pick up the flotsam and jetsam that collects along the shore of the bathtub.

Then I heard a scream.

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