Author: Jerome a Paris

US resolution on Syria at UN today. Another step towards regime change?

An important day today in the diplomatic manoeuvers around Syria, with the joint presentation at the UN Security Council of a very tough resolution on Syria  by the USA and France.

Below, I will try to make some sense of what happened, how we got to that point, why France is working hand-in-hand with the USa there and what it means in terms of likelihood of a war with Syria.

title edited from earlier “Syria @ UN: regime change on the cheap and why France is cooperating” which was too long to fit in

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Sane conservatives in favor of increasing minimum wage

Christopher Caldwell, the conservative – but sane – senior editor of the Weekly Standard, comes up with another interesting column in this week-end’s Financial Times, where he discusses the economic merits of a minimum wage, which he claims are unconvincing, but nevertheless ends up supporting an increase in such minimum wage for social and political reasons.

His arguments make a lot of sense, and show exactly what the Dems should fight for:

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