Author: KlatooBaradaNikto

Judith Miller and Valerie Plame( Flame?)

Judith Miller has claimed that she cannot recall who gave her the name Valerie (F)Plame as a CIA agent working on the WMD issues.I can think of two possibilities:

 1.Judith Miller’s acquaintance with Valerie Plame antedates her meeting with Libby because she has worked on issues concerning WMD’s before for the NYT.

 or, more likely,

 2. While she was having her meeting with Libby, Darth Cheney walked in (probably in disguise) and whispered in her ears, doing his best James Earl Jones imitation,the name Valerie Plame.Judy, ever alert to the possibility of being framed by Cheney, wrote it as Flame, just in case.

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Has the Bush cabal turned the US government into a racketeering enterprise?

In the movie Godfather, Michael Corleone tells the Senator from Nevada who is trying to shakedown the Don,
“Senator, there is not much difference between you and me.You think you are better than me and my family and look down on people like me. But in the end we are in the same business. I am just more open about it than you”.

At the time I saw that movie I felt like most of us did that this is an exaggeration.The United States stands for the rule of law and no part of our government would intentionally set about to violate the law either domestically or internationally. That illusion has been shattered for me personally with the ascension of George Bush.

It was a shock for me to realize that our elections could be fixed with the collusion of the Supreme Court and the officials in Florida to enable this impostor to steal the office of the President.It was also a shock when Cheney, the real Don of our government could stonewall all demands to see the proceedings of his so called Energy Task force and carry that over to stonewalling the investigations into the 9/11 tragedy.
Each and every step that Congress took to seek accountability from this administration has been thwarted with accomplices in our Press and Media.

The Democratic Party which should have been vocal with its criticisms of all these and more was silenced in part by the Anthrax threats, which, I believe, did not originate from the ether.Every institution, including the SEC was coopted in implementing the agenda of this racketeering organization which goes by the name US Govt.

The ultimate for this gang was the war it unleashed on a country that had no means to harm us, mainly to prop up the image of a cowardly President Usurper.The way they slandered Max Cleland and John Kerry shows the level to which they would stoop to enforce their rule.

The Judith Miller saga tells us that our so called Press has become a propaganda arm of this criminal enterprise.The Jack Abramoff-Tom DeLay scandal tells us money and power are like aphrodisiacs for these people.Their ability to fix elections in their favor and thus control the Congress has now subverted our Constitution for good and only Patrick Fitzgerald stands between us and these criminals.

Each day I pray that God grant Pat Fitzgerald the courage and fortitude to defeat these scum and restore our nation’s pride in itself.Our nation already owes a deep debt to Fitzgerald and his bringing these criminals to justice will earn him our gratitude forever.

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