Author: Paul Rosenberg

‘Serenity’ And The Supreme Court

I went to see Serenity, Joss Whedon’s film debut, yesterday.  It begins with a presentation of the official story, how Humanity left an overcrowded Earth to colonize nearby space, and found a system rich in earthlike planets and moons, how the progressive core of the more civilized planets fought and won a war against the more primitive periphery.

The scene shifts to where the story is being told, a shimmering outdoor “classroom” echoing archetypes of Golden Age Greece, with a beautiful youngish teacher, and her charges, small children, one of whom asks (paraphrase) “Why would they fight against us? Why wouldn’t they want to healthy, happier and more civilized?”  There’s a bit of back and forth, then one girl who’s been furiously working her hand-held electronic tablet looks up and says, “We’re meddlers.  People don’t like to meddled with.”

Who Are The Real Meddlers? on the flip…

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