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    yeah mediagirl makes short work of MRA trolls, either online or in the New York Times. No person has the…
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  • yes shes beginning to post them, not once, but twice, in all the reproductive rights threads too. she did exactly…
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  • I agree with all that you say. Within your comment lies the essence of choice.
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  • great diary thanks! There's quite a bit of pushback against Maureen in online feminist ranks as I'm sure you are…
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  • sorry this is the hyperlink: FDA fudging on Plan B, the drug that prevents conception
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  • have another zero for your sexist tripe.
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  • you say I believe life starts at implantation or a fertilized egg.  Scientific evidence also supports this claim.   Fine,…
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  • the "hon" shit doesnt cut it here, jerk.
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  • you're new here. you should be just a little more polite.
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  • calling a woman "hon" is sexist.  for that you get a zero.
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  • im not so sure i'd bend over backwards and make nice with mr loco because his facts are wrong. read…
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  • im not really clear on exactly what your trying to say here mr lococardz. are you stating that plan B…
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  • Thank you so very much for your comments susan. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. No woman should…
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  • I just this minute received the following information by email. In case you think that the leg simply made an…
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  • Viral Origins of Some Cancers  Infectious agents contribute to up to 30% of cancer cases worldwide. The four cancers most…
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  • Here's the correct link. Bush in Kenya: Killing Them Softly
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  • Moiv had just posted a few thoughts of her own on this matter at Dkos. here's the link to her…
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  • They're saying we're contributing millions of dollars to prevention of aids but your program isn't qualified to receive any if…
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  • Moiv sent me the link to the story. Thanks are due to her.  She's the best, don't you all think?…
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  • A few points, if you don't mind. Firstly, IIRC correctly stark is a woman. Secondly, while you characterize her posting…
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