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    your diary states: The controversy, of course, lies here in the definition of pregnancy - or more basically, the question…
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  • yes, all this is more or less new to me too, since the texas law passed was when i began…
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  • The Bush administration has asked the Supreme Court to reinstate a ban on a procedure that critics call "partial birth"…
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  • i've seen the metaphor used lately that the democratic party is a big tent and we need to welcome people…
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  • Thats the report I just received from the local news here in Houston.  At present the Houston freeways are deserted.…
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  • Jimmy Carter's narrow victory in the 1976 presidential election warmed solar hopes. Before the inauguration, Benson, Hayes, alternative-energy guru Amory…
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  • i find using an insinuation of bipolar disorder in your attack to be far more objectionable than madman's use of…
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  • my rating of your comment is due to your use of disability and disability related-medication as a form of denigration,…
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  • agreed. i hereby take the pledge to never vote straight democratic ticket again. from now on i will examine each…
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  • nobody is calling you a vichy dem. he's calling the candidate that. heck you deserve more progressive candidates. so do…
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  • no one has called you neurotic. where do you get off doing that. that is way out of line, remember…
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  •    Hot Throbbing Okra I'm with Harvey (none / 0) on this one. And for the record, I am from…
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  • so armando can still get it up? impressive
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  • hey its ok dude. what counts is you're being read. dont worry about the rest, its just housekeeping, k?
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  • yeah. well go ahead. vote for him if you're in mississippi. if i was, i wouldn't. i'd skip that line…
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  • Gene Taylor is a Democrats for Life All Star. Gene Taylor supports federal TRAP laws. He shows us his position…
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  • in fact here is the straight from the top party-line meme from nathan newman, posted over at trish wilson's site.…
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  • Yes i think there should be an alternative to the headline: Democrats for Life may be gaining traction in party…
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  • there are 13 states where the vote goes against our interests. http://www.surveyusa.com/50State2005/50StateAbortion0805SortedbyProLife.htm here are the democat for life all stars:…
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  • geesh and here: http://www.stephanieschulte.com/
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