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    Heh, beat me to it. Not that I've ever called Jobs any of those things on Slashdot. Now, on Kuro5hin…
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  • I don't know about that. There's nothing about leftism that requires pacifism, and there were certainly enough armed leftist movements…
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  • The distillation of the GOP to its naked essence has sorely tested my belief in freedom of speech. Oh sure,…
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  • If even a fraction of what they're accused of is true, they don't belong in jail. They belong on the…
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  • Well, I sure hope this is the real thing. If we eventually see a full airing of the crimes of…
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  • If a piece of legislation impinges on the proper authorities of the executive branch, it can be unconstitutional even if…
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  • Signing statements have no Constitutional legitimacy, period. Of course, on the sliding scale of unconstitutional policies the Obama administration has…
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  • Think nothing of it. I'm always up for a little horseplay, though perhaps not as intimate as that thread suggested.
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  • Then those holes need to be closed, too. I would argue that any function of government which exists outside of…
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  • The rumor is that Cheney was running an assassination ring, answerable only to him. If true and if the evidence…
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  • Mahan Abedin is a senior researcher in terrorism studies and a consultant to independent media in Iran. He is currently…
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  • Well, I think it's more that Röhm's homosexuality became an expedient bit of dirt to throw once Hitler decided to…
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  • Actually, it's a good sign. If enough of the Zionists become unhinged and lose control of what they're saying in…
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  • I'd sure like to have a snappy comeback for you, but I'm coming up empty. And let's not forget the…
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  • I'm going to hope "stable gender" was an unintentional pun. 😉
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  • If those same assholes got out of the country more, they'd find that Europe just isn't that damned homogenous anymore.…
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  • Agreed in full. If any of these people are acquitted and still held -- and held because they have a…
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  • Pretty much. The point of the is the maintenance of the oligarchy of wealthy white Protestant men, period. They're hardly…
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  • Between Rahm and Joe Biden and a handful of lesser fucking luminaries, if I may borrow Rahm's vernacular,  this has…
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  • Is the implicit argument that we ought to abandon computers and return to doing everything by paper and postal mail?…
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