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    Amen, brother, if you'll pardon the pun. Organizations that engage in political activity should be taxed, period. If you want…
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  • What if participation in primaries was a prerequisite for participation in the general election? (The obvious objection, that such a…
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  • I'm right there with you, albeit not in TN instead of PA. If the candidates themselves are appointed by the…
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  • I noticed that, too. What is it with this idea that Obama supporters, or Obama himself, see him as a…
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  • Heh. I think the real challenge would be convincing the locals that we were indeed serious and not just another…
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  • Oh yes, the Khazar myth. You do know, don't you, that genetic sequence studies over the past decade have conclusively…
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  • It's surprising to see any kind of collective contempt for Obama from college students. Ever heard of the College Republicans?…
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  • To be fair, it wouldn't be hard to find a bunch of drunk college-age kids anywhere in the world and…
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  • One up-side that the Clinton Administation got out of the affair was an excuse to put cattle-gate metal detectors in…
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  • The battle is to own all the seats that demographics say that we should own. That's exactly it. I'm not…
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  • Hmm, maybe. To the extent that it happens, it comes from other white guys which, while undoubtedly sincere, doesn't actually…
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  • I submit to you that the comparison between American slaves and Palestinians is simply not meaningful. Mattes' comparison with the…
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  • The nonviolent resistance of the Jews to the Nazis didn't work out very well. Appealing to morality only works when…
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  • I disagree. The reason that the Palestinians resorted to terrorism is that they would have been crushed immediately, once and…
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  • I don't recommend holding your breath for the Americans to make reparations of any kind, nor do I think the…
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  • As I read it, my impression was that the comparison was for Israel's benefit, not the Arab audience. Obama wanted…
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  • "This is the first president we see in the United States that is talking about the Palestinian issue, resolving the…
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  • It's actually worse than a dead end because it darkens the hearts of the Israelis, who hold the preponderance of…
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  • Thanks, Steven. I'd be honored.
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  • The hammer-slingers can think they're safe inside their gated communities, but not for long. Having spent large chunks of my…
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