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    "The amount of information now stamped secret and withheld from the press and Congress is staggering. . . . It…
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  • Definitely the best ever!
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  • Yes: we need some criteria here. Unless we're happy with 'American novels (or novels about America) that I like', which…
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  • Breaking up monopolies so that there are choices for people watching broadcast TV or listening to broadcast radio would solve…
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  • Yes, but that's a different question: what's likely to happen in the current escalation of hostilities? Short answer: nothing good.
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  • . . . because it assumes some kind of good intentions on their part. Given the wingnut pundits calling for…
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  • Declare the whole thing an international theme park. Think of the possibilities.
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  • San Diego?
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  • might make a good team of mediators. But this presupposes a complete sea-change in US policy toward Israel . .…
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  • Well . . . we all want to feel good about ourselves. But then, yes, there's this weird thing, nationalism.…
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  • Yes. On the other hand, I am reminded of Herb Gardener's great play A Thousand Clowns in which Murray is…
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  • Booman, your history reads well on my screen. But the facts are not the whole story, and the facts are…
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  • ROFLMAO Thanks for the best belly-laugh I've had in days, Ductape. As for the rest of this colloquy: Who can…
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  • TKO, not sure which round, but you have dominated throughout. You're right. If people want a truly progressive view, they…
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  • YES.
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  • I agree completely. We can stop or mitigate some of the government's worst abuses through political action. There were many…
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  • How, indeed? That's the question. The other question: does it matter how we respond? How would the responses of good…
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  • The people you mention are believers. They believe in The System. They simply are not ready to consider evidence that…
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  • Bogus elections are routinely ignored or denied for the same reason that other truths are routinely ignored or denied: Americans…
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  • What goes around, comes around. After half a century of calling the shots, it ain't so nice being on the…
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