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    I want to know when he is going to get us out of the war in Sumeria.
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  • This place doesn't seem to have a roof.  What happens if it rains?
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  • I fear you are correct.  I have no love at all for GM management, but the workers are going to…
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  • The framing should be "old and tired ideas", which is sort of a backhanded way of reminding people that McCain…
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  • I don't see fuel cell cars as going anywhere.  Just a distant carrot that is dangling in front of people…
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  • It is Tour de France for me though.  My fiancee doesn't get that sport though..
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  • No, he is giving a press conference on TV, and trying to sound like he knows what he is talking…
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  • It always seems like there is an over-emphasis on the executive however (i.e. the President).  We could elect the most…
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  • Figures.  The media now has the attention span of a 2-year old. Logan was on TDS last week, IIRC.  She…
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  • They didn't think anything of renaming tons of things after Reagan.  Back then the cost wasn't a concern....
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  • It is really tacky to rip on the recently deceased, and I think that a sort of similar dynamic is…
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  • It will be interesting to see where they concentrate their resources in the fall.  Both for Senate seats and also…
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  • I guess I am not getting why terrorism is supposed to be a good issue for the Republicans.  Any time…
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  • So why can't they just go out and say play paintball instead?   Why do the rest of us have…
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  • Who knew!
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  • What the hell is she buying to run up that much debt? Another charge card, held by what was described…
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  • But I thought he voted for Bush... Gore had a story about how after the election, they were together for…
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  • This morning on Morning Joe they were going on about how the Democratic talking point was that McCain was "confused".…
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  • I understand that he is in fact a giant pill bug!
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  • Yeah, I heard some conservative A-hole going on about that yesterday.  Plenty of oil out there - just need to…
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