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    What a useless tool he is.  Why does he even think he has any credibility?
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  • Stevie Wonder excluded, tonight's been a good night.  Even Tim Kaine didn't make me want to shoot myself.  Everyone's had…
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  • For using 'nonplussed' correctly.  No one hardly ever does that.
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  • The LA Times ran this HUGE spread on how there's no message, and how the Clinton's are the center of…
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  • I don't understand why anyone wouldn't watch CSPAN for these things.  The twits on cable won't say anything new for…
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  • Check the transcripts of yesterday's coverage on MSNBC.  They got marginalized then.  They spent a good chunk of coverage making…
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  • Best speech of the night.  I may not agree with his politics, but I just adore that man.  He was…
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  • I thought the speech was a waste of airtime.  2/3 of it was the same stump speech she gave from…
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  • I just wanna hug you.  That sounds like a day and a half.  Sounds like yesterday was pretty stressful for…
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  • But there was a message.  I assume that those who are saying there was no message and no attacks on…
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  • I posted to my blog about exactly what Michele's speech meant.  I could have gone into a lot more depth,…
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  • Had mentioned that they'd probably look back and realise they wasted so many hours on the PUMA people.  Matthews is…
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  • Since all of my political friends are following him, I guess I should know who he is, but his name…
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  • I'll never understand why people bother with the cable news, when CSPAN gives you all the goods. I flip over…
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  • He called the PUMAs he intereviewed outside "a bunch of nutjobs". He was forced to walk back the comment, but…
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  • She should be coming up in the next 5 min.
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  • Considering we have 7 other local airports for domestic air travel that can't be too difficult.
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  • This is like one of your best blog posts ever.  I shared it on FriendFeed and Social Median, about to…
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  • In fact, because this is the most connected convention ever, I can sit my fat ass here in LA and…
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  • Too bad, this site doesn't support the Seesmic embedded player. There was a good discussion on this, even though it…
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