
    And if not, why did she help create a lecture series at her alma mater, Southern Methodist University, that invited…
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  • Blog whoring alert Woodward, Bernstein and the whole WaPo crew seemed stunningly ungracious yesterday in their acknowledgement of Deep Throat's…
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  • When the student claims to be "the most high-profile conservative student" on campus, and blames her academic suspension--after failing three…
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  • Nice -- and note that McPaper here scooped the WaPo and the NYT. The latter didn't cover Ridge's comments at…
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  • Obviously, George got his Georgia's confused--that was his "Omigod--I'm about to wet my pants" dance, because of his joful anticipation…
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  • I dissect the misuses of history by Douglas Feith--undersecy of defense for policy and "the fucking stupidest guy on the…
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  • Looming Threats to Academe: Terrorism, Porn--and Bloggers A PR consultant for universities says that bloggers are "rampant" in higher education--and…
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  • The Civil War's Lessons for Today, Op-Ed Division David Brooks and David Ignatius try to apply the lessons of the…
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  • Yes, Dionne--whom I think is one of the best of the mainstream commentators--is giving Bush too much credit by half.…
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  • Done - added to you my blogroll, at my blog:
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  • I dissect the WaPo's cowardly apology for a cowardly headline about Tom DeLay at:
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  • What is it with college GOP'ers and food, btw? They just got done staging "affirmative action" bake sales at a…
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  • Hello, Not-so-cruel world! I've been lurking here for a while, and I've got this place on an RSS feed. And…
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  • We're all familiar with the Republican tactic of cherry-picking audiences for Bush's "town hall" meetings on Social Security.   Now,…
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