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    Well, as fond as I am of cupcakes . . . The 21 hour flight from LA to Melbourne almost…
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  • Listen to an Australian Magpie.
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  • Sure, leave me out of everything: the weather, the season, the meet-up; I'm always on the outside looking in.  *Presses…
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  • Oops.  One of the top two images should be this one instead:
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  • She's almost a week old and very active at this point, although she still sticks very close to mum.  I'm…
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  • No expensive pet toys in our house - anything "throw away" (or recyclable) will do.
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  • The Hopi might dispute that.
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  • It was.
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  • I always cover Luna's eyes and nose with my hand when I do her face, and even then I only…
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  • When I take Luna to the dog wash it looks like this: Not like this.  Luna would so destroy that…
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  • I've alway maintained that bin Laden's main goal was/is to destabilize nuclear Pakistan (championing Palestinians is/was likewise about enraging Pakistan…
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  • Sometimes a little "cheer-leading" cheers the crowd - who are, after all, the ones who put those people in office.…
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  • Australia has an elephant breeding program, specifically for Asian elephants from Thailand. Melbourne zoo had a recent good reversal of…
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  • You mean you haven't taught that boy genius to tell time yet?  
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  • Great PJ's. Is it just me, or did anyone else think he's dressed like a little convict?  Just me then.
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  • Fishing in Australia's north may be hazardous to your health.
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  • You've just reminded me that we must head up into the mountains soon so that we can catch the splendor…
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  • Sweater, aka a sleeve cut off one of my sweatshirts. It's been getting down to the high 40's at night,…
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  • You mean a drink of milk, of course.
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