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    Charles Pierce has a good one today: Stuff The President Said Today - In which the president oversells the bad…
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  • why does Turkey celebrate the beginning of the Gallipoli campaign at all?  Would be like the US celebrating the 1968…
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  • Latest Quinnipiac poll.  Not sure how good this polling operation is at the national level, but they were good in…
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  • The conversation starter for me is, even if I had to quote from original speaker who I don't much respect:…
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  • As to your first question, don't know that all the data was in before torching Dresden and Tokyo.  However, iirc,…
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  • Waldo Tunnel Will Be Renamed After Late Comedian Robin Williams. The Waldo Tunnel rainbow painted archways do look like Mork's…
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  • Wait until they find out that Papa Francis and the RCC accepts evolution as scientific fact.
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  • air strikes are an accepted and absolutely unassailable way of conducting war. Even if properly analyzed data from WWII on…
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  • Glen Ford at Jacobinmag Why They Hate Cornel West: As the clock unwinds on the nation's first black presidency, much…
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  • Looking forward to the future when a single human can push a button and the robots will carry out the…
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  • Micah ZenkoObama now: "We're going review what happened, and ID any lessons that can be learned or changes that can…
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  • Drone strikes are high tech terrorism reserved for those with the wealth to perpetrate them.  (Only the individual drones and…
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  • Not going to criticize nor critique whatever families of those murdered at the Sandy Hook Elementary School need to or…
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  • Poland demands apology for FBI chief's comment on Holocaust  Let's not forget that 90% of the Jewish population in pre-WWII…
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  • My sense, and perhaps I'm wrong, is that when Obama does it, he also communicates that it's all in respectful…
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  • As with Schumer and Cuomo, Gillibrand isn't an option for Clinton.
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  • The pros and the DNCers blow that off as midterm madness.  Never mind that the madness has kept the House…
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  • Interestingly enough, my first exposure to women in the workplace that could hold the floor were computer project analysts and…
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  • The MSM is a business.  They need the predictable kaching of election advertising to keep the business profitable.  As long…
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  • 1988 -- looked (visually) more like a team than Dukakis/Bentsen.  By 1992 the public had learned that Quayle was an…
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