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    Paris has hosted plenty of Winter Olympic games over the past 50 years, though, most recently in 1992.  Why should…
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  • I am stunned that the NYT has not even reported on this.  At least, it doesn't seem to be on…
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  • You know what I think unnerves people about land claims?  It's the notion that they've got to actually negotiate with…
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  • I for one can only hope that the Native peoples will one day gain full recognition from the UN as…
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  • Rulings like these have a domino effect (the domino started with Sherrill and will continue on over to the pending…
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  • Yes, we have already failed. Everything we have done since 9/11 has been a failure.  The assumption that the Iraq…
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  • Thank you. I would just like to take this opportunity to thank Booman Tribune for being the place to go…
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  • Slightly going off on a tangent here, forgive me: While young women (currently) have some degree of control over their…
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  • Well, actually... by that argument, this isn't our land, it's the Indians' land.  ðŸ™‚  Pretty much all of America would…
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  • I occasionally write about Onondaga Lake and Haudenosaunee land rights issues as they affect the lake.
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  • My blog focuses almost entirely on state and local issues.  So if you're from New York or specifically central New…
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  • "Hey, we're Americans.  Who's gonna touch US?"
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  • But the Court has now given people the opening.  That's why the decision is bad. There are going to be…
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  • Earlier this spring, this court came up with a bizarre decision in City of Sherrill v. Oneida Indian Nation, Inc.…
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  • Trust the liberal justices? The justices are not going to be the ones making decisions to take people's homes. I…
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  • Well of course some Freepers are going to hate the decision. This Supreme Court decision may very well do more…
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  • Yes, I have listened to RFB, usually on Wednesday nights when Sheldon L was on.  (Or, as was more frequently…
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  • There is an eminent domain controversy going on right here in Syracuse, NY.  A group called the Salina 29 is…
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  • Right, and today's equivalent of beads, rum and trinkets?  Why, the $5.15 per hour McJobs and the cheap Wal-Mart goods,…
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  • Not RFB!   NO! What will I do without Sheldon L!!!!  He rocks my world!!!
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