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    Yikes. Glad both are okay! Favourite shot is the Mystery Missile Not -- for the expanse of sky and the…
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  • Oh wow, b2! Those are stunning ... 😀
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  • Nice sets, ss. What are your thoughts on the day? And did you catch the interview Rachel Maddow did with…
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  • LOL. 🙂 We've got problems up here too when it comes to the fed gov, so not sure it's any…
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  • Gorgeous.
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  • Neato on being at the rally SN! I hope they get a good turnout and that the weather is good…
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  • You too. 🙂
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  • No, thankfully. My parents live on the edge of the forest and growing up we would have all sorts of…
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  • We had a hunter's bullets hit our living room window.
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  • (Update: after commenting above, all the comments are indexed right so no more overlap.)
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  • Do the bodies of diaries have to be spaced longer?  I'm getting an ad bleed over the first comments of…
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  • The second was shot with the D1x which has a reputation of making "film like" images. Interesting -- love that…
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  • Thanks for the detailed information. I've never had much success converting to bw -- when I do attempt I usually…
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  • Those are fantastic bug shots in the web link Andi - wow.
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  • Agree as well!
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  • Sven, these are fantastic. Great eye you have. 🙂 I love the warmth of Groningen, Netherlands and the cool of…
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  • Love shadow mountain - love the blue. Amazing sunsets. Gorgeous.
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  • Hi ID. I love the bottom two, especially the leading road in distant daylight. The pumpkins are great too! 🙂
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  • So delicate and pretty!
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  • Gorgeous!
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