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    That's definitely a relief to have it over. You can celebrate when you get home. And I hope you drop…
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  • I hope it's working when I get home ... or else I'll go into w/d ... See ya 🙂
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  • I'm outta here! See you dudes later ... 🙂
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  • At this point I've loosely organized the diary by including a bit of the history of Liberia considering it's connection…
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  • Fancy meeting you here. How's it going?
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  • Nice photo!
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  • I think it's time for a chocolate break. 🙂
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  • Pimento cheese sandwiches ... 🙂 LOL
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  • Good morning everyone ... 🙂
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  • That's great news all around!
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  • It's an amazing photo!
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  • How are you feeling tonight?
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  • You are a brave woman ... 🙂
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  • How are you feeling tonight tooth-wise?
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  • 🙂
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