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    How's it going?
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  • Two DVD drives eh ... sounds like quite the system you've built. 🙂 I'm crawling off to bed now ...…
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  • And I guess you could say I am ... 🙂
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  • Got another 1/2hr or so ... Good night NDD ... sleep well. I'm looking forward to working on this project…
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  • No constraints is a good thing ... 🙂 Any time limits?
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  • reminiscing ... 😉
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  • lol ... j/k
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  • How's things going w/ you ...
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  • w/ the new system ... you put it together yourself?
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  • Doesn't sound like something conducive to stress relief ... 🙂 And these 3 lines I have to write on the…
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  • You're up late to be getting up as early as you do ... 🙂
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  • And that was haunting ... beauitful ... scary ... all rolled together. Some sad news ... you know my mourning…
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  • And hi ... 🙂
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  • How are you tonight/this morning?
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  • I've already failed! 🙂 What if we don't have any wet grass? Can I artificially simiulate by wetting w/ the…
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  • BRB
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  • 😉
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