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    But I'm switching back n forth ... 🙂
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  • The fans are watching the game in da rink!
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  • I've got jitters!
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  • I love Stanley!
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  • All that skating makes big buns ... 🙂 The stadium in Edmonton looks packed full!
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  • I'm watching the pre-game stuff right now ... I'm excited! 🙂
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  • Yes, well you know I had to ... it was such a luscious PINKA!
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  • But you are still a pink hottie! 🙂 In all seriousness, please be careful!
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  • But it is POURING RAIN (WOO HOO!!) right now! I hope you get it or had it ... 🙂
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  • Two hobbits walk into a bar where one of them picks up a barfly. They take her to a local…
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  • w/ Family Mom? It's for the big prize tonight. One team will be awarded Stanley! Beer and couches are definitely…
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  • You could start now.
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  • 30 years means you're just a young'un! 🙂
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  • It's not good for you. Pasta salad sounds good!
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