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    I can't believe you captured a salamander and a toad (was the spider in on that too) all in one…
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  • I didn't even notice -- the orange spotted thing takes over the shot. Ah yes, this is way impressive ...…
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  • We're celebrating your freedom from it ... LOL! It seemed to make you a bit cranky the past few days,…
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  • Seriously delightful find! 🙂
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  • We'll have to have champagne chilling for the late night cafe to celebrate IVG ... 🙂
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  • Toads rule! Not sure about the spider, but we'll have to see ... right Manny? <shudder in advance> And I…
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  • That's so great Andi! Looks at the spots ... hehehe 🙂 And you've got a frog? ... I can't wait!…
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  • ...when I was there I'll go w/ three. Did you get a chance to talk w/ the people down there…
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  • You mean like this ... Click for larger I love worms! Nature's tillers ... do garden good ... 🙂
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  • Did you see any froggies? 🙂
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  • ... over at your site! Poor FM, poor George ... 🙂
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  • That looks delish!
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  • Good to see you crawling out from under that pile of papers for a check-in ... 🙂 BTW, I did…
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  • Brings back memories of my visit. It was a wild time and I've never forgotten the place.  It's good to…
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  • As long as it's not cloudy. Sorry about the delay -- had a meeting to attend!
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  • Did you take that pic today w/ the XT? 🙂
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  • that's got you frustrated?
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  • (I hope your day is getting better ... {{{Manny}}} ...)
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  • I'm on the home stretch now -- it's 3pm. A couple more hrs to go. 🙂
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