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    Yes, I see. It's nb for your work. Okay. 🙂
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  • ... but as I grew up w/ children's album (There's a Hippo in My Bathtub, You Are My Sunshine, etc.),…
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  • So, you shave it all off every summer? 🙂
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  • ... I was a little put off. 😉
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  • But it looks like we've got a bunch of 'em here right now (mm, dada, ... :P)
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  • ... I've never watched SP. Not even once.
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  • ... grey on a man is distinguishing. 🙂
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  • They've got a page for LA, but I can't find trends anywhere.
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  • Is it that long?
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  • No -- not that I recall. We do get rain, but not all at once like this -- consecutive days.
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  • Don't feel you have to be serious. Plus, it gives us a peek into the inner workings of IVG's mind…
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  • Forget eating, how do they sleep, or get through the door? LOL 🙂 So, I assume they use some sort…
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  • I hope that you have a restful sleep tonight Manny.
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  • They said tuesday we should have sun. After the long w/e of course, but who cares! Just as long as…
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  • I am scared that we've unleashed a new linking horror in IVG! Creepy salad fingers!
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  • Do you have one as well IVG?
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  • They're amazing, aren't they. I just sit there in awe while I'm reading. An amazing b you've developed Manny.
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