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    I didn't believe that there were that many undecideds out there either - until I overheard a bunch of them…
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  • It's not impossible to have integrity. It's not impossible, but it does have a cost, and the costs in terms…
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  • I'm sticking with the landslide prediction that I made a few months ago.
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  • I thought it was Supply Side Jesus that they spoke of...
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  • Perhaps then, our thirst will be sated. Trust me, once you start down the path of vengeance the thirst will…
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  • Take Rahm out of the Senate speculation wrt replacing Obama...
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  • It's as if Obama isn't playing just to win, but to blow McCain out. Exactly that. I'm still saying that…
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  • I believe that this year you will actually see a reverse-Bradley effect - soon to be dubbed "The Palin Principle"…
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  • Face down...
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  • You mean the maverick got all maverickey? Whoda thunk?
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  • Honestly, I'm surprised that it's taken this long for that to show up at UK, Adolph Rupp and whatnot...
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  • why'd we invade Panama again? To drop off the equipment that Ollie North got caught trying to deliver?
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  • Fish gotta swim, hearts gotta bleed... RIP Molly
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  • The litmus test will be: where did you stand on Palin? Wishful thinking. The fiscal and foreign policy conservatives don't…
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  • Isn't 2% (15% - 13%) within the MoE?
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  • Before the week's over (day?), someone will call Colin Powell a (n-word) with the cameras rolling.
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  • I believe this is the week that Colin Powell will become a (n-word)...
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  • My name is Oscar and I approve this message.
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