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    In fact, proposing such a thing shows the same lack of introspection that progressives so correctly accuse conservatives of lacking.…
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  • Do New Jersey and Louisiana balance each other out regionally?
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  • Not quite a "both sides do it" thing so much as an acknowledgement that Jackson was an m/f'er who we…
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  • While I agree with every words penned here, maybe we should also address the Jackson part of the Democrats annual…
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  • I believe the appropriate phrase was "Slave-catching coon" but I could be mistaken...
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  • Yes, that reimbursement amount is normal. I get reimbursed $0.55 per mile when I travel in my own car.
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  • I believe this article from a decade ago would be insightful as well - told me everything I needed to…
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  • I was referring to how the GOP would react - like you said, Jane Fonda didn't even interfere with official…
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  • Jane Fonda.
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  • I hear you, but I'd bet that even before college there would have been no way that you would have…
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  • ...it's taking in teens who may arrive with racist attitudes and transforming them into tolerant, open-minded, young adults. I probably…
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  • I hope the two candidates will resist the temptation to emphasize their superficial differences... And the last time that happened…
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  • I do find it funny that the people who argue that opposing some action/statement/speech by the leader of Israel equates…
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  • I'm certainly open to suggestions.
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  • He was the senior senator from Delaware/MBNA. Expecting him to do otherwise would be like expecting a senator from Iowa…
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  • It's the same press environment that has existed for at least the last 20 years that she, of all people,…
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  • But then the Log Cabin Republicans are beyond my understanding as well. It's the same stupid thinking that you'll find…
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  • It's hard not to get whiplash these days while watching the modern GOP in action. Only if you take what…
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  • Plus, they still can't explain why the Dems would ever cave to their demands. Why isn't it obvious? The Dems…
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  • I think the meat is right here: profiles in courage, not profiles in convenience That theme will cover pretty much…
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