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    Under no circumstances do you criminalize speech. It is reprehensible, but it is not a crime.
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  • Your points are well-reasoned and decent, but what usually happens when a man armed with weapons and bad intentions enters…
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  • Depends on your POV - most Christians would say Yes, most Jews would say No, most atheists would say Of…
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  • OK, I'll shoot: Mr. Speaker, liberal scientists claim there to be certain actions that are anatomically impossible. I believe you…
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  • Government that governs least, and whatnot...
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  • Junior took his crew to see Fahrenheit 911, but I don't remember anyone explicitly coming out for Kerry and I…
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  • Squirrel!
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  • OK, Junior is better than Kyle (Petty), but neither one of them could hold their daddy's beer...
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  • Aren't they all? Deficit spending, cost overruns,  preening for the cameras...
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  • April 17, 2010...
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  • Why would you hate people for being educated, tolerant, and having more options for dinner than you do? In a…
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  • It's a matter of association - the facts don't too much matter: if you take the side of "those people"…
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  • Perhaps it was Reid promising not to nuke the filibuster in the next Senate...
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  • Outstanding!
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  • Because that "Muslim from Kenya" is the one awarding the medal...
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  • Nah. Once you unleash that genie he doesn't go back in the bottle...
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  • Giving them the benefit of the doubt - just this once.
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  • Palin et al. don't want an actual uprising, but the forces that they're unleashing will inevitably escape their control and…
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