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    We are going to raise a lot of money and attract a lot of activists, and we are going to…
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  • We actually hold that truth to be self-evident...
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  • Here's something to consider - how would a 10% increase in the Black and Youth turnout change the projections of…
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  • Context? We don't need no stinkin' context...
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  • That actually Rennes me of a running joke at USAFA when I was there: Q: What's the difference between Civil…
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  • Actually, the media is liberal in an epistemological sense, not a political sense...
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  • I've been in AZ this week and McCain has some of the worst ads I've ever seen airing. Utterly unpersuasive.…
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  • True, which is why I never try to understand or converse with them - they have no interest in honest…
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  • I think you give them too much credit - they got lucky that the administration over-reacted. Their sole purpose in…
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  • If they had their way they'd repeal the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments - and probably the 19th too...
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  • You talking about the guy who opened his presidential campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi declaring his belief in States Rights and…
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  • What is the gender spread nationwide? I believe Republicans regularly beat Democrats by double digits among men and I wouldn't…
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  • They are not going to form a one-way allegiance to the Democratic party based on a false sense of grattitude.…
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  • I see the burqa as a sexist "tradition" by putting the onus of men's sexual and power trips on women,…
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  • Actually, an utterly untethered Israel would have absolutely no restraints - the us-vs-the-world narrative would rule the day in Israel…
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  • At least you're ok - glad to hear it.
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  • Post-WWII Europe is better off, sure, but that is in large part because we were feeding them, so to speak.…
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