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    But still it seems like the only person hurting Cantwell's reelection chances is Cantwell... she must be accountable and responsible…
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  • Namely getting a Democratic majority in Congress and a Democrat in the WH. The "Big Picture" and the reality is…
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  • susan... with all due respect... they way we won on Social Security ...and we did win and should pat ourselves…
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  • then they were tossed like rubbish and the Dems cleared the decks for Langevin and Casey.
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  • You seem very level headed... perhaps you should talk to her. She has a choice either lose with the way…
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  • I agree with you too... I think the problem you are having is the "way" people are fighting. She would…
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  •  Abortion advocates stand by Kerry Kerry says judges don't have to agree with his stance Thursday, May 20, 2004 Posted:…
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  • So you are saying that east side voters want CAFTA to come and take their jobs? This is my point...…
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  • My second and third points are most relevant. Finally the Democratic PArty had all of its eggs in one basket…
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  • and what is keeping Cantwell from voting against CAFTA... it takes two to tangle. Perhaps I am mistaken, but I…
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  • Hijack???? First I don't recall Gore losing on the whale vote. Secondly, every "single issue" group STFU to get Kerry…
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  • But we can save Roe and make sure Roberts does not take the bench... That is a battle worth fighting.…
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  • Basically the question is whether liberals can continue to support a party that does not have a liberal platform. I…
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  • "kos haters" is that like "Bush-haters" an anomaly that stikes some people with a strange uncontrollable desire to lash out…
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  • no we will... you can't fuck over 70% of your base (most Dem men are pro-choice) and not expect a…
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  • A candidate who is privately, or religiously opposed to abortion, is welcome to hold that view and remain a Democrat,…
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  • I still don't get it. Nothing has changed, he has been saying this for almost a year. Why the sudden…
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  • You mean the backlash for getting the country in to an illegal war. Phasing out overtime pay Crippling Medicare Record…
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  • Did Bush ever once say that he was going to dismantle Social Security? No, but everyone knew that was his…
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  • The Republicans spend 200 million dollars per year just on framing their arguments... I'd say it has paid off.
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