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    So, instead of "legislating from the bench," we have "legislating from the bank."
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  • "Yes we can!" but we don't because we're not really as committed to justice and equality as we want to…
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  • I don't think it's a stretch to say that the demise of the Fairness Doctrine under President Reagan and the…
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  • How can I post this to my facebook profile?  This rocks!
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  • As all the Reactionary Fascist Regimes showed, mass media are the keys to modern mass movements.  And, unfortunately, the Fascists…
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  • How can a party with a 16 vote majority in the Senate roll over (and over and over and over)…
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  • That's the problem when a democracy is governed by a ruling class that controls the 4th estate, too. Governance is…
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  • Yeah, I agee with you guys, too.  The stimulus was an attempt to stave off the Tsunami until the seawall…
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  • Like he says, the details are sketchy, but the overall problem is clear:  message magnification. Look at what Think Progress…
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  • It's apparently a meme the GOP thinks they can ply successfully, by playing the grand wurlitzer. Initial reactions to "community…
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