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    SusanHu, I want to add my voice in support of your efforts to always bring to the table relevant topics…
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  • I'm reasonably sure that Dick Cheney, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, and a number of evangelical fascist leaders here in the…
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  • Muslim youths with stature, or just youths with stature; I don't think the distinction is as important as we might…
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  • Third line, after "...not a strength...". Add a semi-colon, otherwise sentence reads badly.
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  • It seems to me that if the idea is to diminish the enthusiasm and support the youth express for these…
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  • Yes! Perhaps the biggest problem with "civilization" is self-delusion. Civilizations always believe they're "civilized", and this very belief prevents them…
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  • You raise some very good points. As to the "black or white" simplicity so many of us seek, the conditions…
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  • Sometimes I advocate pacifism, other times not. Sometimes I advocate less govt. regulation, sometimes I see a need for more…
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  • Agents of the Pentagon's MKULTRA project have set up a system in the White house press room that pumps a…
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  • story is how the "blowing" of Al Qaeda member Khan's cover was the biggest strategic intelligence blunder perpetrated by the…
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  • you are absolutely correct about the destructiveness of what passes for "development" initiatives propagated by the international aid industry. The…
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  • Huge, complex and fundamental issues raised in this story. I have a few, mainly philosophical thoughts, more from a historical…
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  • Here's another article about this from Sonoma County's Santa Rosa Press Democrat newspaper, highlighting another wrinkle in the whole thing.
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  • I forgot to paste this in the last comment; an excellent short video of one of DeLay's recent public appearances.…
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  • I think once DeLay was negatively received over the Schiavo matter, his threats against judges, his gun-weilding grandstanding at the…
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  • Considering that Norquist is one of the most ruthless and reprehensible creatures contaminating government, it would be an incredible boon…
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  • Since when does "politics" determine the degree of accuracy and diligence in news reporting in a free press? Certainly we…
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  • Since I believe that for the Bush regime, the success of their agenda, the true nature of their agenda in…
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  • I've been trying for a long time to get traction with; "Evangelical Fascists", but it hasn't seized the imagination of…
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  • No one should be surprised that these nuts are stepping up their aggression against democracy and reason. History makes it…
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