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    When people begin to understand that Peace is a verb, not a static condition bassed on a tally of rights…
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  • People don't want to admit they were fooled by Bush into believing the invasion of Iraq was necessary, so even…
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  • R H Lisa, Just found this other reference to Pincus Army service from Harvard's Nieman Foundation, a pretty credible source,…
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  • Yes! By itself this article is not convincing, but I know I've seen a more detailed and credible accounting of…
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  • I made a comment yesterday in reply to This diary that seems to be relevant hereas well. Here is the…
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  • The neoconservative ideology requires constant war to sustain it's purpose and usefulness and it's ability to dominate the populace through…
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  • Sociopaths and their enablers are incapable of empathy. Bartlett is a pig.
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  • The rabid, desperate neocons and their insane cohorts in Israel know that the only way they have even a remote…
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  • Of course they want this war! That's been the plan from the beginning. Peace and stability for Iraq and the…
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  • Here's a brief bit on Pincus history. I had something more comprehensive about his military intel stint but I can't…
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  • I posted the following earlier today in the excellent diary by "Madman in the Marketplace" titled Collective Punishers. It's exactly…
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  • Has any news anywhere reported anything about what Hizbollah claimed it's specific motive was for engaging the Israeli soldiers near…
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  • Didn't Pincus also have a background in military intel before he became a "journalist"?
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  • Somebody, (I forget who), just yesterday used the famous quote: "Madness is defined as doing the same thing over and…
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  • Let Bobo Brooks design the social models for the region like he tries to do all the time in the…
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  • That's been the plan from the beginning, from even before the attacks of 9/11.
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  • Here is the terrible mess, the unavoidable quandary, that the lunatics in the Bush regime have createed for themselves. For…
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  • Cut off all aid money to the region, (except give Iraq all the billions appropriated for our destruction of that…
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  • I concur. The machinery of P2 was never eradicated, despite efforts to make it seem so. Groups like this tend…
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  • Wasn't there a judge somewhere here in the US recently who got caught playing with his own penis pump while…
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