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    this is a poor argument.  it relies on fear. he lazily plays the winger/cheney card. Cheney plays it by saying,…
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  • True. I remember when Clinton's library opened, it rained.  The media just cackled with delight over his bad luck. No…
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  • but not as horrible as Obama.
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  • Just because you think DOMA is unconstitutional doesn't make it unconstitutional. As of right now, it's a legal law.  It's…
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  • The difference also pertains to where the act occurred and against whom. So a Nazi sabotaging a bridge in Bastogne…
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  • He says, "but closing Gitmo and bringing them into the federal system would lend credence to a theory the administration…
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  • "Truman, by the way, fought the Korean War with no form of congressional authorization at all." ----------------------------------------------- That's untrue.  Congress…
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  • What inconsistency? The administration wanted to close GITMO. The senate voted 90-6 to prohibit the funding of transfer. Included in…
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  • Given your love of the Constitution, you must be pissed that Obama has declined to defend DOMA in court and…
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  • Why not?  Saudi Arabia ships oil to the United States.  The route from Canada to China is actually shorter. The…
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  • Lemme tell ya, a skinny black guy with a funny sounding mooslim name, rises to become the first black president…
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  • "The people in favor of the pipeline aren't going to vote for and fundraise for the President" --------------------------------------------- You're forgetting,…
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  • Bill McKibben is declaring victory, as are other environmental activists, saying, the pipeline is DOA.
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  • The people aren't buying anything the Republicans are selling. They aren't interested in repealing ObamaCare. They want higher taxes on…
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  • I'm not sure if you can answer it. But how is it some people get a pass on every bad…
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  • Remember when Tester was the DKos idol of front pagers.
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  • Traitor! Sell out! PRIMARY FRANKEN! He's nothing more than a lying liar!
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  • Heh. He couldn't even win his home state.
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  • That letter made me so wet. Nothing hits the spot like validation. I'm gonna defeat Obambi if it's the last…
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  • I'm willing to sacrifice for the greater good.   Besides, I could stand to lose a few pounds.
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