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    UNFUNDED MANDATE, budget cuts....   Shit.
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  • Now I'm thinking of Canada instead of Oregon.
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  • There are a few provisions in the Medicare Modernization act that don't take effect until then.  Also remember that some…
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  • Now you have given me anohter place to consider moving to.  Due to Medicare D, its only a matter of…
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  • About 4 years ago, I was babysitting a friend's children, ages 4 months and 3 years.  Put the baby down…
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  • One thing that I hate is the use of the term "waterboarding".   Almost makes it sound like an amusement…
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  • No matter what it is, I have to constantly prove myself, attending grad school, trying to go back to work,…
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  • "Jokes" that were played on me weren't funny.
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  • I'm sorry too.
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  • I don't lie.  And I resent your implication that I do. As I said, I live in MI and people…
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  • Duh!
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  • I really liked Jimmy Carter.  Still do actually.  And I think he would make a great secretarty of state!
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  • It has to do with the fact that you said you treat anything that anyone say's, with the exception of…
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  • THREE!!!!
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  • Here is exactly what I wrote comment There have been more than a few instances when I was told one…
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  • Michigan!  Want to know my choices for this election" governor Graholm--destroyed MI and whines that it is not her fault;…
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  • We could sell tickets to the orgy (especially if you come) and make up that amount easily. God forbid anyone…
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  • I do NOT like the way I have been treated by many on this blog. There have been more than…
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  • I can't stand either of the Clintons.  Never could!  All  they care about is themselves.  Same goes for their former…
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  • That's good for Minnesota; I'm being serious, not sarcastic.  But, what about other states where the voter is presented w/more…
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