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    That whole recitation of numbers of tons, numbers of this, numbers of that... holy fuck!!! That was 100% Stalin. I…
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  • It's no consolation of any kind - but for what it's worth Canadians will be as pissed about this as…
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  • Thank you for reminding me of Tesla. He was a strange obsession for me at one time... 'nuff said.
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  • spiderleaf - how long has it been since you've crossed the border? I haven't had the stomach for it in…
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  • Yep.. I haven't been keeping up with anything lately... <sigh>... are you sure I'm in the right time-space continuum????
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  • I admit it - I have a friend I use as a test subject. If some fragment of news has…
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  • Know whatcha' mean - <slosh> - schast'ya.
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  • Cheers man... (maraschino cherries are bad for you...)
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  • Help yourself... I will too.. This might be the one to push me over the edge - I'm soooo trashed.…
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  • Your keys will be behind the bar - right beside my wings... feel free to pick them up anytime... and…
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  • Any perk I get from thinking 'I'm not stuck there' - is automatically negated by 'some of my family is…
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  • The will to rant... sigh, what the hell happened up here? Me too! I think my funk began before the…
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  • BrendaStewart.... sorry the baileys took so long... I think I may have lost my knack as a bartender... <shrug>... that…
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  • I'm sorry you're suffering... that is just cosmically cruel to do to a human being during the summer... shit! Hope…
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  • bwren - I've noticed a lot of your comments in other diaries lately and been.. um.. really moved by the…
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  • I can't help at all with the templates, but I might find a photo or two to submit... my theory…
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  • I'm happy to see you too. When is the fair? I'm tempted to join in - just for kicks...
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  • Can you explain that I've been stuck on the phone??? Sorry folks... apologies....
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  • A philosopher I'm not - but my harmless and quite pathetic struggles can be really amusing.. (so I'm told). Gin…
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  • any empty bar here people.... It's kinda' creepy all by myself...
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