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    hello there - how'd it go?
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  • frog in pie - I'm walking away now...but that was just ... fun.
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  • pie I get so easily distracted - bright shiny objects, frogs, it doesn't take much. I'm just messing around at…
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  • Hi. I wanted to let you know that you've inspired me to have entirely too much photoshop fun with a…
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  • smack myself in the head moment.... I know that there were many at Kos who spoke openly about AA and…
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  • ..and I've been thinking about it a lot lately. <disclaimer - I'm not qualified to spout off about group dynamics,…
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  • I can float-host - no problem. Did I miss something, though? Is there a crew site beyond bloggiesbook?
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  • I shouldn't have, but I went to look. <pause> - yup, enough said about him, I don't trust myself to…
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  • Well, if you need a bartender for the grand opening.... I know what you mean - last night we had…
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  • Will someone please tell me to cut it out now??? I'm beginning to annoy myself...
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  • can't keep up! I was still in 3.5. It looks like we've hit on something here...
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  • Thank you for that, and for the link here to the diary. I haven't been back there much, but I…
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  • I've spent entirely too much time fighting with that little + sign myself.....
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  • I encourage you in ignoring the ratings system entirely! Speed dial is infinitely more important anyway. While there is plenty…
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  • Once again, thanks for the inspiration - but if I start running around here, dropping even more graphics - I'm…
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  • I've also been interested in this and reluctant to don the tin foil hat on this one. I don't have…
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  • I get a little sleep, and look at what I miss! And bayprairie is around somewhere, you say? Sheese, bayprairie,…
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  • that arguements should take place in the nude. It's very difficult to have a fight with someone while naked -…
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  • oy - you had to say it, huh? I almost opened photoshop... that close... but if I did that, I'd…
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  • oh boy - you are brave. That could be incredibly comical.... do you think it would be possible to keep…
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