No stake in “more of the same” – Liberal Street Fighter

There is a funny pissing match going on between two factions of the center-right “progressives” *cough* who currently have a death grip on the Dempublican Party. This is all kind of “inside baseball” stuff, but it does affect the political conversation that will happen over the course of the next two election cycles, perhaps longer.

On the one side is Kos and his merry band of bullies, and the other former Republican technocrats so beloved by certain dot-bubble babies of a certain age. They support guys like Lamont, Testor and Webb, sorta suits cum “politicians” who promise to manage the country back to some semblance of health, at least for techie sorts and the investor class. Hippies, chicks, homos and humanists need not apply, as these filthy troublemakers aren’t “pragmatic” and aren’t willing to gather under the “big tent” that bundles us all together in unequal bliss.

On the other side are the folks at The New Republic and that psuedo blog-on-blogs behind the NY Times subscription wall, the Opinionator or some such (not gonna bother to link to it … since they hide it behind some digital gated community anyway). These are folks who love Senator Lieberman and the rest of the corporate wing of the Democratic Party. Basically, it’s a fight over which bunch of consultants will drive the conversation online, and which bunch of managers will get the support needed to help the Republicans and Wall Street continue to suck this country dry like a pack of jackyls sucking the flesh off of the slowest antelope. Marisacat has been following the whole drama/farce with her usual wit and insight over at her new home if you want more detail. She has numerous links leading to the charges and countercharges.

Either way, support will continue for the likes of Reid, Schumer, Clinton, Emmanuel and terrible connected candidates like Casey. REAL change will continue to be derailed, blocked and marginalized.
Here’s the deal.

This is a fight between two generations of people who BOTH serve some version of the status quo. You know, the current system where corporations have as many rights as people, but almost NONE of the obligations actual living, breathing human beings have. Whether they worship under the pomp and circumstance of big, established business models, or they dance to the tune of newer businessmen who insist that fancy new tech and twenty-first century “pragmatism” will solve our problems, both factions will continue to support a system that is serving the vast majority of Americans, not to mention the world, increasingly poorly.

Whoever “wins” won’t really matter, because both factions suck at actually opposing the rightward slide of this country (mainly because they AGREE with many parts of it … they voted for it before they pretended to vote against in in an empty resolution). The hopes for women to have their rights protected, for voters to have their ballots counted, for workers to have living wages and a fair shake in the global marketplace, for GBLT citizens to have equal protection under the law, for an end to imperial wars in search of oil and profit … NONE of these causes will receive a hearing, let alone vigorous and righteous representation. Both groups in the center-right of the Democratic Party, as well as the thugs running the Republican Party, are perfectly willing to wrestle for the votes of that narrow segment of frightened, church-going, stressed out and angry suburban, ex-urban and rural white electorate who have demonstrated how easily they are manipulated by some mixture of fear, greed, hatred and envy.

Those who hope for a genuine leftward voice re-entering the political conversation have NO stake in this battle. They DON’T WANT YOU, other than as silently offered votes and maybe a contribution or two. Please, say no. Stop supporting center-right corporatists and warmongers who refuse to recognize that this country could be better than it is, and no, “better” doesn’t mean a higher Dow and NASDAQ.

Support candidates and causes working locally to fight for equal rights, who fight for fair and open balloting. Support people who aren’t afraid to say that people should be able to build a secure future for their families, no matter who they find love with. Buoy candidates who know that if women aren’t free to make choices about their bodies and their futures, then NONE of us are free.

Support change, independent of a political infrastructure that is badly broken, broken like so many of our institutions. Daily Kos, the DLC, NDN or whatever … they’re not on your side. It’s not enough to wear the right color uniform … you’ve got to fight for the right things. Women and gays will still be screwed if Misogynist Casey beats Homophobe Santorum. A broad rainbow of political perspectives and policy proposals never get a hearing under the current established order, so we can’t correct mistakes we make over and over again. If the Democrats refuse to do their jobs, refuse to help them continue to fail. Your only choice left is to withhold your vote, even if a Republican wins again. They’ll bitch and moan, screaming “Nader” or something over and over, but why support someone who’s willing to heave you overboard? You can still demonstrate your participation by voting for Third Parties, or on other ballot lines, leaving a given ballot line blank. This is how every change that has ever happened in this country has happened … don’t let the kossian blogheelers tell you otherwise. Don’t let Lieberman’s threats to leave the party dissuade you. Ask Lamont the hard questions before you cast your ballot. Be active and demand change.

This was going to be the usual light-hearted Friday post, but these things have a way of taking on a life of their own. Here’s the ten tunes randomly offered up today:

  1. “Winona” – Matthew Sweet
  2. “Poor Man’s Relief” – Kinsey Report
  3. “Everyday (I Kick Myself)” – Webb Wilder
  4. “Life During Wartime” – Talking Heads
  5. “You Don’t Love Me” – Matthew Sweet
  6. “Broken Arrow” – Neil Young
  7. “Jambi” – Tool
  8. “Buck’s Nouvelle Jole Blon” – Buckwheat Zydeco
  9. “Take Your Mama” – Scissor Sisters
  10. “Bertie” – Kate Bush
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