(CGP)Washington – Despite Venezualan President Hugo Chavez’ warning…
“And the devil came here yesterday. Yesterday the devil came here. Right here.” [crosses himself] “And it smells of sulfur still today.”
Pakistan’s President Pervez Musharraf could not resist the temptation to plug his own book by Simon and Shuster saying, “If Hugo can plug a book for Amazon, so can I!” And he added, “Can you believe Chomsky’s book went to number one?! I am not going to pass up prime opportunities like this one. What am I? The DNC?!”
After arriving in Washington, Musharraf soon felt ill aides have confirmed to CGP. “The first signs were during the press conference with President Bush in the East Room of the White House. At first he thought it was a headache induced by the unusually flourescent shine coming from Bush’s tie.” As reporters started asking questions about U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage’s threats about Pakistan being bombed into the stone-age, Musharraf looked as though he was going to pass out. Aides also noticed Bush smiling at this moment. “He couln’t stop smiling. It was like he was enjoying our General’s pain with that freaky-deeky smirk of his.”
In what may have been a last desperate attempt to save himself, Musharraf appeared to have recalled what was done at the United Nations a couple of days ago by the Venezualan President. He blessed himself. He has not been seen since. Sulphur poisoning has not been ruled out.
Despite questions about the Pakistani President’s health, people of Pakistan are furious. It is not known if the root of the anger lies with the most recent revelation about the U.S. threats in 2001 or if it is due to his apparent conversion to Christianity.