Crossposted from Left Toon Lane, Bilerico Project & My Left Wing

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In Town Called Dobson, I have been referring to Dennis Kucinich as Ultra K but Ultra may be too small a word for Dennis.

On October 23rd, Dennis Kucinich announced he would introduce to the House of Representatives on a point of personal privilege a resolution of impeachment against Dick Cheney sometime before Thanksgiving.

BALLS – Total balls.

Why aren’t the rest of the Dem candidates screaming about impeachment? For that matter, why isn’t Peolsi?

Impeachment is not an unpopular view. Take Vermont for example

Earlier this year, town meetings across Vermont asked citizens if impeachment proceedings should be initiated against the president and vice president. Thirty-seven towns voted yes, and the Senate approved a resolution calling for impeachment.

Now a statewide poll conducted by CBS affiliate WCAX in Burlington, Vt. posed the question to 400 likely voters. Sixty-one percent said they would be in favor of Congress beginning impeachment proceedings against President Bush. Thirty-three percent opposed it, and 6% were not sure.

The numbers for Vice President Cheney differed only slightly: Sixty-four percent favored impeachment, while 31% opposed it.

Seventy-five percent of respondents said they categorized the president’s performance as “fair” or “poor.”

For me personally, I would also want to see the Administration before the Hague, have all the appointed judges removed from the bench and Gore installed as the rightful President for 8 years.

But for now, I will need to live vicariously though Dennis’ testicles.

SPECIAL NOTE: Wikipedia To Delete Town Called Dobson Entry.
Wikipedia is far from perfect. Last year I stopped donating to Wikipedia due to their notability policy. Other than being vague, it allows “admins” to delete entries at will and usually without cause, justification or accountability. When the community votes to keep an article, admins have in the past EDITED the voting to reflect their personal wishes. No joke.

Last week, without warning, Town Called Dobson was selected for “rapid deletion” for the reason of non-notability. Even though, TCD has appeared in print, won awards, has over 300,000 hits in Google and has over 100,000 readers a day, via its front page status on many leading blogs, it has been classified as non-notable.

The best way to rectify this is write an article about TCD or political webcomics in general and mention TCD. Then go and add that link to the Reference section of the TCD article. If the editing system of Wikipedia is too daunting (it is a steep learning curve) send me the link and I will have the guy that maintains the entry to post it.

If you are a newspaper reporter or editor, slip in an article about TCD! (long shot I know, but I am not above begging.)

If you have used TCD graphics for use in a protest or campaign, please blog about  the  event and post it. TCD licensed under the creative commons agreement, so that is legal.

Lastly, I want to thank all of my readers. You folks have meant a lot to me over the last 3+ years.

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