Bob Cesca over at HuffPo asks the million dollar question about the Press and Obama:

And today, the word of the day in the corporate press is… “presumptuous.” Used in a sentence: Senator Obama is being presumptuous during his trip — acting all presidential and dignified. How dare he be presidential while running for, you know, president. Presumptuous. During the live CNN web feed of the Berlin address, an anchor used it to describe the event. Joe Klein used it in a blog post today. Of course Joe attributed it to racist voters rather than very serious reporters — racist because it’s presumably a synonym for ‘uppity’ and we can’t accuse the press of such awfulness. And Candy Crowley used it in her post-address analysis on CNN. That’s a lot of coincidences. “Presumptuous” must really be a popular word. Odd that it’s being used so often by people who want Senator Obama to win.

AP: “In a speech that risked being seen as presumptuous…”

TIME Magazine: “capable to become the Commander in Chief of a superpower — without seeming presumptuous…”

The National Journal: “He is well aware voters here at home might see that as presumptuous…”

Washington Post: “Whether by the end of this week he will be seen as presumptuous or overly cocky…”

Chicago Tribune: “That means walking the fine line between looking presidential and appearing arrogant and presumptuous…”

Boston Globe: “plus the growing sense in some quarters that the presumptive Democratic nominee is getting a little presumptuous…”

Can you feel the wanting-Obama-to-win love radiating off your computer screen? No?

“Presumptuous” is Village-speak for “The uppity elitist black man thinks he’s already in the White House!”

But the GOP keeps screaming how THE LIBERAL MEDIA is in the tank for Obama.

Digby has more.

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