In a long comment thread attached to Booman’s recent “Serious Question” post, (<>) Steggies wrote in a reply to one of my posts in which I attacked the media-dispersed snark meme “Both sides do it”:

Here is Steggies’ post:

‘Both sides do it’ snark is helpful shorthand when speaking with sophomoric cynics–High School Randians–and with media ‘moderates,’ both of whom absolutely cannot admit that the world is more complex than ‘both sides bad, me good.’ That might mean that they have to support an actually-existing group, instead of the perfect one that only lives in their mind.

You’re smarter than that.

I began an answer, and it grew, Due the the meta-produced ratings depredations of the Neocentrist Gang of Four on ths site, instead of answering it on that thread I am forced to post it as a standalone.

Here it is.

Read on…


I pursue the “perfect world” within, Steggies, and have done so under the personal guidance of some very …interesting…people for more than 40 years. Take a look at my sig for more on that account.

Not until faithfulness turns to betrayal-and betrayal into trust-can any human being become part of the truth. — Rumi

I was a “faithful” left-wing young man, even after the assassination years. It was really not until I saw how jive Bill Clinton was as president that I truly felt the betrayal of which Rumi spoke, and even then I maintained shreds of hope that this country would right itself to at least the point where its historical part in the evolution of life on earth could continue. There is no need for evolution in a perfect world, but as one of my teachers once kindly pointed out to me, if this world…this universe…became “perfect” in the sense that the word is usually used, it would simply disappear.


Because the story would be over.




But of course…as we can see quite plainly, it is not through. The forces that pull against evolution have a function as well. Take them away and the story would also be over.

And there we are, into the “betrayal into trust” part.

You say I am “smarter than that.”

Smarter than what?

Expecting worldly perfection?

Yes, I am.

But I do “trust” that evolution will continue here on earth, and in the rest of the universe as well.

Or further, that if it is not in the divine cards for it to do so in a given location, then that location will evenually cease to exist.

Here…and in other singular parts of this seemingly infinite universe…that end would be roughly equivalent to how an earthbound mosquito’s death might appear to our vast galaxy.

Small potatoes, to say the least.

Would I, could I support a somewhat less “perfect” candidate or party than that which the mainstream, neocentrist, DNC-run Democratic Party currently seems bent upon offering?


Of course.

I would support Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren in a heartbeat, even if it meant temporarily “losing,” because a loss that is produced by supporting evolutionary forces is a win, while a win supporting anti-evolutionary forces is in reality a loss. Just look at what happened after the magnificently two-faced Barack Obama finished his successful eight years of skim scam.

Is Donald Trump not even worse than his devolutionary Republican predecessors?

I certainly think so.

Are the two aforementioned possible Democratic candidates and their supporters “perfect?”

No. Of course not.

They are just the best that we have to offer on this level right now.

My own attempts at “becoming part of the truth”…the non-musical, non-internal ones, anyway…have to do with trying to tell people about this truth.

i repeat:

A loss that is produced by supporting evolutionary forces is a win, while a win supporting anti-evolutionary forces is in reality a loss.

Long term?

There it is, staring us all in the face.

And here we now find ourselves…in this most powerful (and quite possibly disastrously anti-evolutionary if things go from bad to even worse) country on earth…debating which way we shall turn.

i know which way I will turn.

Towards the sun, as the observation of any supposedly simple sunflower would recommend.


That’s what free will is all about.

Have a nice day.



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