Well, we’ve had a lot of suggestions on naming the Frog. And we need to make some progress here, people.
So, I went through and picked out twenty names that either got a lot of support, or just struck me as damn funny.
We’ll whittle these down to 10, and then we’ll have a poll.
Defend your choices.
Names are below the fold (in no particular order):
1. Clarence Frogman Henry
2. Turdblossom
3. Phib
4. Gregor Samsa
5. I.M. Dunfore
6. Jeremiah
7. Prescott
8. Ribbits
9. Kenny Boy
10. Blog Frog
11. Henri Le Frog
12. Rovitt
13. Boomer
14. Phrog
15. Karl
16. Mr. Pickle
17. Jean-Frog Van Damme
18. Freedom Frog
19. Boofrog
20. Darwin
Share some mojo.