Author: spiderleaf

About July 11, 2003 again Karl…

If the rumours swirling round the blogosphere are correct, Karl Rove’s last minute submission of an email exchange with Adam Levine to Fitzgerald is designed to “prove” (I take it his 4 trips to the GJ didn’t suffice to convince them fully) that he did not lie about talking to Cooper about Plame, but instead is just a busy guy with a not so good memory for pesky little things like talking about a covert agent working on WMD’s, after her husband had smacked down the 16 words in the SOTU a few days before in the NY Times.

Believable? Perhaps. I once heard of a guy who found a four-leaf clover, so anything is possible I suppose.

Back to July 11th and the email exchange with Levine…

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Brownie still doing a heck of a job

It’s the deadly incompetence that keeps on giving.

Mike Brown’s post-resignation (as opposed to actually being fired for being responsible for the deaths of residents of NOLA) contract has been extended by DHS for another 30 days.

They say they need his “expertise” from Katrina to help FEMA figure out how to handle current and upcoming disasters… No wonder they ran out of water in Florida… Brownie’s still doing a heck of a job evidently.

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The drums of war beat on

Freedom is on the march to Syria.

Disclaimer – I am not on Syria’s side if they did murder the Lebanese PM, but I find this all a little too convenient as a case for war by the neocons. Take it for what it is, but we seem to have heard all of this before.

… about 3 years ago actually.

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Bush not out of the woods yet…

I had promised myself I wouldn’t get involved in the Plame case again, but I’ve been following along and kept feeling like something was missing.

Today I know what that is. Bush.

The focus has been on Rove, Libby, Cheney, Hannah, etc. but what of the esteemed W? Perhaps Fitz has been widening his net a bit further than previously thought?

Let’s look at the statements that were either spoken directly by Bush or were official statements from the WH immediately following the leak…

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